May 26, 2023
Presented by Choral Canada
On Friday, May 26, 2023 at 2pm ET, Choral Canada and Edwards Creative Law presented a national webinar on steps to follow for in person and online performances, as well as discussions on recent changes in copyright law. It had been two years since the last copyright webinar and it was time for a refresher!
The event was hosted by Meghan Hila (Executive Director, Choral Canada) and Laurier Fagnan (Past President, Choral Canada).
The recording and Powerpoint slides are only available to members of Choral Canada.
Not yet a member? Learn more and become a member today!
Presented by Choral Canada
On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 1pm ET, Choral Canada presented a national webinar/interactive workshop on supporting the mental wellness needs of others, facilitated by Registered Psychotherapist Sara Brooks. Geared to conductors/leaders and classroom educators, this workshop served to increase understanding of what is truly going on for our students and singers and explored topics such as empathy, resourcing, risk assessment, and personal self-care.
The event was hosted by Meghan Hila (Executive Director, Choral Canada) and Laurier Fagnan (Past President, Choral Canada).
The recording and Powerpoint slides are only available to members of Choral Canada.
Not yet a member? Learn more and become a member today!
February 10, 2023
Presented by Choral Canada
On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 1pm ET, Choral Canada presented a national webinar with Canada Council for the Arts Program Officers Jennifer McKerral and Pierre-Louis Pinel on Zoom to discuss Canada Council's Explore and Create and Arts Across Canada/Arts Abroad granting programs. The session began with a presentation on the programs, the Canada Council granting process and jury selection, applicant eligibility, and concluded with a live Q&A.
The event was hosted by Meghan Hila (Executive Director, Choral Canada) and Xavier Brossard-Ménard (President Elect, Choral Canada).
The recording and Powerpoint slides are only available to members of Choral Canada. Not yet a member? Learn more and become a member today!
June 29, 2021
Presented by Choral Canada
On Tuesday, June 29, 12pm ET, Choral Canada presented a national webinar discussing updates on the latest research for safe group singing, the use of ventilation in your rehearsal space, the current legalities around vaccinations for choirs and singing groups, and recommendations on how to manage communicating your plans with your choir/singing group. Below you will find our list of panelists, the recording, the powerpoint slides, and the saved chat.
Panel included: Dr. Allison McGeer, Margo Nightingale, Dr. Juliette O'Keeffe, and Allison Tremblay.
The recording and Powerpoint slides are only available to members of Choral Canada. Not yet a member? Learn more and become a member today!
Banner photos: Sam Moffatt Photography